Spider does not require an external control unit or power source. Due to its cable-free operation, mounting it on the wall of the protected site is easy and decommissioning the unit requires no dismantling.
Combustible and flammable solid materials
Fully suitableFlammable and incendiary liquids
Fully suitableFlammable and incendiary gases
Fully suitableFlammable and reactive metals
Limited suitabilityElectrical equipment fires and fires due to electric current
Fully suitableFats and edible oils
Fully suitablesales.hq (at) salgrom.com
sales.hq (at) salgrom.com
technical.hq (at) salgrom.com
support.hq (at) salgrom.com
varasto (at) salgrom.fi
administration.hq (at) salgrom.com
export (at) salgrom.com